Ruth Robson Privileged to Serve 20 Years with Ohio’s Hospice
Ruth Robson will have served 20 years at the end of December 2024 with Ohio’s Hospice. She has served as a medical social worker for her entire time at our location in Newark.
Robson is also a preceptor, has participated in Compartir, served on the Cope and Hope team, and completed the Aspire and Aspire Higher programs.
Before joining Ohio’s Hospice, she had been working in the child welfare system for over 17 years and was ready to make a change but wasn’t sure what she wanted to do.
“I had worked with Sheri Weiner, our current bereavement counseling professional in Newark, at Children Services, and she often talked of her hospice work and encouraged me to think about joining Ohio’s Hospice,” Robson said. “Like many others, I didn’t think I could do the work. I still remember that Sunday in October when I saw the ‘Help Wanted’ ad in the newspaper. I read the job description and knew at once that was the work I wanted to do.”
Robson says she has worked with thousands of patients in her 20 years of providing superior care and superior services. They all have a special place in her heart.
“I still remember Mildred, my very first patient, and Annie who was a spitfire. I’ve heard a first-hand account of a patient landing on Normandy Beach on D-Day, and accepted George’s flag from the military on behalf of his family,” Robson recounted. “Mary went from cussing me out on our first visit to finally talking about her illness and planning for her final arrangements after many, many visits.”
Robson joined colleagues from other affiliates to teach medical professionals in Ecuador about hospice care. She calls it an amazing week, that left her feeling that she learned more than she taught others.
“I’m so grateful for those opportunities. None of the memorable experiences I mentioned would have happened without being a part of a team,” Robson said. “I still remember many of the learning experiences from orientation and am grateful for teammates over the years who have made me a better social worker.”
Ohio’s Hospice extends its deepest gratitude to Ruth Robson for her 20 years of dedicated service. Her commitment to our patients, families, and team is a great example of the spirit of superior care and superior services that is at the heart of our mission.