Ohio’s Hospice Tees Up 20th Annual Golf Classic to Support Mission
Ohio’s Hospice will host its 20th Annual Golf Classic on Monday, June 10, at Sycamore Creek Country Club (8300 Country Club Lane, Springboro, Ohio 45066). This year’s culminating event will mark a 20-year milestone, that has raised more than $2 million since its inception.

The event begins at 11:30 am with registration and lunch, followed by a shotgun start at 12:30 pm. The afternoon of golf will be followed by heavy hors d’oeuvres at 5:30 pm.
“We are looking forward to this annual outing that brings the community together for a day of golf and fellowship,” said Sydney Munch. “We are grateful for the support of our sponsors and golfers for their dedication to our mission.”
Individual registration is $350. Additional hole challenges include, $5 mulligans, $10 college golfers, and $10 betting hole. Sponsorship opportunities are available, including golfers and promotional benefits. Net proceeds benefit Ohio’s Hospice patient care and services.
Register online at www.ohioshospice.org/event/ohod-2024-golf-classic/ contact Sydney Munch at SMunch@OhiosHospice.org.