Ohio’s Hospice Showcases Innovative Care Solutions Transport Services at OSHN Meeting
Ohio’s Hospice demonstrated its leadership in innovative healthcare solutions during a recent Ohio State Health Network (OSHN) quarterly board meeting, highlighting its Mobile Care Unit transport program that enhances patient care and accessibility.

Kent Anderson, chief executive officer of Ohio’s Hospice, and Shane Williams, vice president of Innovative Care Solutions (ICS) and Supply Chain, represented the organization at the meeting as OSHN board members. The gathering brought together C-suite executives from hospital systems across Ohio who are members of OSHN.
“During the board meeting, OSHN asked members to present a poster board presentation of something extraordinary that their organization is working on, and our team decided to showcase ICS transport,” Williams said. “The presentation allowed us to demonstrate how we’re advancing patient care through innovative transportation solutions.”
Mobile Care Unit Program
Innovative Care Solutions operates four mobile care units that provide essential transportation services for patients, ensuring seamless transitions across various care settings. These specialized units facilitate transport:
- From hospitals to Ohio’s Hospice inpatient care centers
- From inpatient care centers to patients’ homes
- From patients’ homes to nursing facilities
This comprehensive transport program reflects Ohio’s Hospice’s commitment to providing superior care and superior services to each patient and family by ensuring safe, comfortable transitions between care locations.
About Innovative Care Solutions
Innovative Care Solutions, a service of Ohio’s Hospice, focuses on developing and implementing creative solutions that enhance patient care and support the organization’s not-for-profit mission. The Mobile Care Unit program exemplifies this commitment to innovation in service delivery.
For more information about Innovative Care Solutions and the Mobile Care Unit program, visit: https://innovativecaresolutions.com/