Ohio’s Hospice Recognizes Staff Milestones Throughout Organization
Ohio’s Hospice celebrated service anniversaries for staff members at Community Care Hospice, Hospice of Central Ohio, National Hospice Cooperative, Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice, Ohio’s Hospice, Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare, Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care, Ohio’s Hospice of Butler & Warren Counties, Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton, Ohio’s Hospice of Fayette County, Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County and Pure Healthcare.
Staff who have completed five to 25 years of service to the mission of Ohio’s Hospice were recognized for their service.
Years of Service by Years
5 Years | 10 Years | 15 Years | 20 Years | 25 Years

- Emily R. Albright
- Juleah E. Angus
- Jennifer Bias
- Lori M. Boyd
- Sandra Kay Burcham
- Annette Susan Burckart
- Ronald G. Burris
- Veronica Ines Camacho
- Kristin Shaffer Caskey
- Natalie N. Caudill
- Laura B. Clemans
- Sheri C. Crossan
- Thurasa Curry
- Mariann F. Day
- Debra Ann Drake
- Katherine A. Duffy
- Debra A. Evans
- Rebecca Fink
- Sheila Dee Zarate Fisher
- Jayne C. Fitch
- Sandra Lynn Franz
- Muriel R. Gettings
- Cathy Marie Gipson
- Charlotte Glasgo
- Ashley Griffith
- Kim E. Halblaub
- Melanie M. Heery
- Stephanie L. Hill
- Patricia Himes-Stevens
- Jerri Lynn Hollis
- Amanda M. Huden
- W. Allen Jones
- Michael T. Kammer
- Avery Jeramiah Kesler
- Brenda Kosir
- Pamela D. Locke
- Jeffrey W. Lycan
- Timothy MacLean
- Virginia Suzanne McCabe
- Danielle Kathleen McCool
- Anita K. McDaniel
- Megan Marie McDonald
- Joshua D. Meeker
- Tammy Ann Meyer
- April Ann Midkiff
- Amanda Gail Minge
- Sara Elizabeth Monroe
- Monica Lyn Morris
- Sheri Mothersole
- Ashley S. Oberle
- Belinda J. Orrill
- Julie D. Patton
- Tamara Perchinske
- Sarah Queen
- Michelle E. Roberts
- Margaret A. Robinson
- Melissa Ann Romer
- Brookdeeann R. Rose
- Lisa Louise Rostad
- Angela Dee Salyer
- Mary A. Schaefer
- Craig Schrolucke
- Shannon Michelle Seals
- Patricia D. Simpson
- Gail J. Stokes
- Rhonda Lynn Stone
- Jason Wachtel
- Elaine Sciuk Wagnon
- Rachel D. Ward
- Erica R. Wartenbee
- Megan Nicole Wells
- Darlene West
- Victoria Wilson
- Stephanie A. Wilson
- Tracey Jean Woodward
- Leila Rochelle Workman-Burns

- Trisha M Acree
- Kent Anderson
- Sherry Arvin
- Laquisha Blake
- Tamara Blundell
- Kristy Brock
- Vicki L. Brown
- Ariel Doty
- Amy Marie Fluty
- Steven Grissom
- Robert Halfhill
- Darlene H. Hamren
- Jodi Hannan
- Rachel Hotchkiss
- April R. Howell
- Catherine Hull
- Maria D. Johnson
- Erica Kain
- Emilee Marie Leslie
- Leslie Lindsey
- Matthew Ludlow
- Lisa M. McWhorter
- Phyllis H. Miller
- Jo Y. Monroe
- Erika Moreland
- Stacy Nicley
- Jeanette Marie Pitts
- Holly A. Reed
- Sandra J. Rowlison
- Bridgette M. Ruff
- Frankie Schneider
- Linda C. Simpson
- Jonathon C. Smith
- Cynthia Snook
- Susanne M. Stein
- Mary Ann Stemley
- Sheri Stonebrook
- Shauna Stott
- Melissa Stoudmire
- Brandy Stuthard-Wood
- Danielle A. Thomas
- Pamela S. Tyler
- Jennifer VanZandbergen
- Annette D. Vickers
- Melissa Walton
- Angela Wamsley

- Pamela Jean Alexander
- Danielle Lynn Blankley Baker
- Jean L. Baker
- Julie M. Brand
- Fred H. Craggette
- Anita F. Hibbs
- Jodi R. Howard
- Tionda K. Hughes
- Denise D. Jackson
- Teresa Kessler
- David Lance
- Angela R. Landis
- Jenalisa Langford
- Rhonda L. Lovett
- Doris A. McCollum
- Kendra McCray
- Sharon C. Metcalf
- Diane M. Miranda
- Charla A. Sedziol
- Harrietta M. Sommer
- Jan Tillinger
- Mark J. Wagner
- Kimberly Ann Walker
- Tricia E. Warner
- Robert M. Westendorf

- Bonnie Burnside
- Kathleen E Carrigg
- Lynne Gilt
- Karen E. Miller
- Pamela L. Scanlon
- Brenda S. Troyer

- Susan A. Boesch
- Jennifer M. Harris
- Terri S. Perdue
- Vicki L. Plessinger
- Kim Michelle Randall
- Mary Swick
- Pamela Turner
Years of Service by Affiliate
Ohio’s Hospice | Community Care Hospice | Hospice of Central Ohio | National Hospice Cooperative | Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice | Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare | Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care | Ohio’s Hospice of Butler & Warren Counties | Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton | Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County | Pure Healthcare

Staff members from Ohio’s Hospice celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Ronald G. Burris, Craig Schrolucke, Gail J. Stokes
10 Years of Service: Kent Anderson, Kristy Brock

Staff members from Community Care Hospice celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Leila Rochelle Workman-Burns
15 Years of Service: Jean L. Baker, Jodi R. Howard, Teresa Kessler, Tricia E. Warner

Staff members from Hospice of Central Ohio celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Juleah E. Angus, Sheri C. Crossan, Thurasa Curry, Mariann F. Day, Katherine A. Duffy, Jayne C. Fitch, Muriel R. Gettings, Melanie M. Heery, Pamela D. Locke, Anita K. McDaniel, Ashley S. Oberle, Julie D. Patton, Michelle E. Roberts, Brookdeeann R. Rose, Patricia D. Simpson, Rachel D. Ward, Erica R. Wartenbee, Stephanie A. Wilson
10 Years of Service: Vicki L. Brown, Maria D. Johnson, Lisa M. McWhorter, Jonathon C. Smith, Annette D. Vickers
15 Years of Service: Kendra McCray, Charla A. Sedziol
20 Years of Service: Pamela L. Scanlon
25 Years of Service: Mary Swick

Staff members from National Hospice Cooperative celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Jeffrey W. Lycan

Staff members from Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice celebrating significant milestones of service include:
10 Years of Service: Darlene H. Hamren, Emilee Marie Leslie
25 Years of Service: Jennifer M. Harris

Staff members from Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Natalie N. Caudill, Debra A. Evans, Charlotte Glasgo, Kim E. Halblaub, Tamara Perchinske, Mary A. Schaefer, Jason Wachtel
10 Years of Service: Robert Halfhill, Jodi Hannan, Sheri Stonebrook, Melissa Stoudmire, Angela Wamsley
15 Years of Service: Pamela Jean Alexander, David Lance
20 Years of Service: Bonnie Burnside, Lynne Gilt, Brenda S. Troyer

Staff members from Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Ashley Griffith, Sarah Queen, Darlene West
10 Years of Service: Phyllis H. Miller, Brandy Stuthard-Wood
15 Years of Service: Julie M. Brand20 Years of Service: Karen E. Miller

Staff members from Ohio’s Hospice of Butler & Warren Counties celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Emily R. Albright, Kristin Shaffer Caskey, Timothy MacLean, Danielle Kathleen McCool, Sara Elizabeth Monroe, Victoria Wilson
10 Years of Service: Sherry Arvin

Staff members from Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Lori M. Boyd, Annette Susan Burckart, Laura B. Clemans, Debra Ann Drake, Rebecca Fink, Sheila Dee Zarate Fisher, Cathy Marie Gipson, Stephanie L. Hill, Patricia Himes-Stevens, Jerri Lynn Hollis, Amanda M. Huden, W. Allen Jones, Michael T. Kammer, Avery Jeramiah Kesler, Brenda Kosir, Virginia Suzanne McCabe, Megan Marie McDonald, Joshua D. Meeker, Tammy Ann Meyer, April Ann Midkiff, Amanda Gail Minge, Belinda J. Orrill, Margaret A. Robinson, Melissa Ann Romer, Lisa Louise Rostad, Angela Dee Salyer, Shannon Michelle Seals, Rhonda Lynn Stone, Elaine Sciuk Wagnon, Megan Nicole Wells, Tracey Jean Woodward
10 Years of Service: Trisha M. Acree, Laquisha Blake, Ariel Doty, Amy Marie Fluty, Steven Grissom, Rachel Hotchkiss, April R. Howell, Catherine Hull, Leslie Lindsey, Jo Y. Monroe, Erika Moreland, Jeanette Marie Pitts, Holly A. Reed, Sandra J. Rowlison, Bridgette M. Ruff, Frankie Schneider, Linda C. Simpson, Cynthia Snook, Susanne M. Stein, Mary Ann Stemley, Shauna Stott, Danielle A. Thomas, Pamela S. Tyler, Jennifer VanZandbergen, Melissa Walton
15 Years of Service: Fred H. Craggette, Anita F. Hibbs, Tionda K. Hughes, Denise D. Jackson, Angela R. Landis, Rhonda L. Lovett, Doris A. McCollum, Sharon C. Metcalf, Diane M. Miranda, Harrietta M. Sommer, Jan Tillinger, Mark J. Wagner, Robert M Westendorf
20 Years of Service: Kathleen E. Carrigg
25 Years of Service: Susan A. Boesch, Terri S. Perdue, Vicki L. Plessinger, Kim Michelle Randall, Pamela Turner

Staff members from Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Jennifer Bias, Monica Lyn Morris
10 Years of Service: Tamara Blundell, Stacy Nicley
15 Years of Service: Danielle Lynn Blankley Baker, Kimberly Ann Walker

Staff members from Pure Healthcare celebrating significant milestones of service include:
5 Years of Service: Sandra Kay Burcham, Veronica Ines Camacho, Sandra Lynn Franz, Sheri Mothersole
10 Years of Service: Erica Kain, Matthew Ludlow
15 Years of Service: Jenalisa Langford