Ohio’s Hospice ICS Team Springs Into Action During Hurricane Helene to Help Those in Need
When Hurricane Helene hit the Southeast region of the United States, the powerful remnants of the storm made its way to the Miami Valley area, impacting the patients and families Ohio’s Hospice has the privilege of serving. Without hesitation, our Innovative Care Solutions (ICS) teammates leapt into action and made sure those in need of oxygen had it.

The powerful storm led to power outages for thousands of residents and for those we serve in the South Region that are on oxygen, it was a harrowing time.
Vice President of ICS and Supply Chain, Shane Williams, says his team made 42 oxygen deliveries over 4 days.
“We made deliveries to all areas within the South Region that we serve that were affected by Hurricane Helene,” he said. “Our team ensured that every patient in need received the necessary oxygen support, regardless of their location.”
Shane explained that the ICS team was ready and has a process in place to help those in critical need. He noted that there wasn’t a need to get an emergency call, the team was already ready to spring into action.
“We didn’t wait for a specific call, instead, we took the initiative to reach out to our patients immediately as soon as we were aware of the potential power outage,” he explained. “This proactive approach allowed us to assess their needs and make necessary arrangements for oxygen deliveries before any issues arose.”
Part of the process involved patient outreach coordinators proactively reaching out to patients to confirm whether they had power and then assess their immediate needs regarding oxygen therapy.
The coordinators Identified patients requiring supplemental oxygen and evaluated their specific settings and delivery methods to ensure appropriate care.
“All technicians need to be on standby to provide immediate support and maintenance for oxygen equipment, ensuring rapid response to any issues that arise,” Shane said.
Regarding training and preparedness, he added that the team must refer to its emergency preparedness training.
“We ensure that all staff are trained on operating backup oxygen equipment, recognizing signs of oxygen deprivation, and implementing emergency protocols,” Shane explained. “We closely monitor patients during outages, especially those with severe respiratory issues, and provide additional support.”
Providing superior care and superior services to patients and their families involves making sure there is top-notch communication in effect during a crisis.
“We have to keep families informed about the situation, reassuring them of the measures in place to ensure their loved ones receive continuous care,” Shane said. “We also have to record any incidents related to power outages, including management strategies and changes in patient conditions, to enhance future emergency preparedness efforts.”
He added that every member of the ICS team contributed to the effort.
“We all collaborated closely to ensure that patients received the necessary care and support during the power outage,” Shane said. “From coordinators reaching out to patients, to technicians being on standby and caregivers monitoring patients, it was a true team effort, highlighting our commitment to patient safety and comfort.”
ICS ensures timely access to necessary medical equipment. Our structure streamlines the delivery of durable medical equipment (DME) to patients and facilitates prompt adjustments or replacements based on evolving needs. Ultimately, DME contributes to the overall comfort and care of the patients that we have the privilege to serve.