Grief Resource Book Review: “The Grieving Teen”
“The Grieving Teen,” written by Helen Fitzgerald, turns her focus to a sometimes forgotten population when death occurs – the teenager. Fitzgerald brings a comforting, yet direct approach to teenagers who have experienced loss due to a death.
Not only does Fitzgerald provide an open view into the world of grief, she also normalizes expected grief reactions according to the different type of loss the teen has experienced. Furthermore, Fitzgerald explores healthy coping skills to help the reader deal with their hurt and begin to heal.
Fitzgerald includes information for peers in her book as well, and how they can support their grieving friend. This is important because friends play a significant role in a teenager’s life. This book will “help you help your grieving friend” if you are an adolescent, as well as to assist you to better understand your grieving friend.
Teen years already contains some turbulence and difficult experiences, so the grieving teenager needs special attention. Fitzgerald offers information, comfort and the overall important message that they are not alone. One of the best parts of this book is the resource section, which includes references to more books and websites to read for help.
This book review was provided by Pathways of Hope℠. Pathways of Hope offers grief counseling services to friends and family of all Ohio’s Hospice patients, as well as anyone in any of the areas in Ohio where we provide care. These services are free of charge, thanks to generous support from the communities Ohio’s Hospice serves. For more information about the services provided by Pathways of Hope, please contact your local office:
Community Care Hospice or Ohio’s Hospice of Fayette County
Ohio’s Hospice of Butler & Warren Counties
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Hospice of Central Ohio
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614.891.6000 – Columbus
740.454.0000 – Zanesville
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Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton
Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare
419.496.0057 – Ashland
330.674.8448 – Millersburg
330.264.4899 – Wooster
Ohio’s Hospice Loving Care
937.644.1928 – Marysville
740.852.7755 – London
Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County