Book Review: Grief Is Love: Living With Loss
In “Grief Is Love: Living With Loss,” Marisa Renee Lee explores how grief is inextricably tied to love, a love that does not die when our loved one dies. She writes, “Grief is the experience of navigating your loss, figuring out how to deal with the absence of your loved one forever. It’s understanding that the pain you feel because of their absence is because you’ve experienced a great love.” Lee shares her own experiences of grieving, but she also grounds her guidance in the leading research on grief and loss.
Lee helps us navigate the pain of early grief and demonstrates how we can honor our loss, and she offers wisdom on how to claim space for and acknowledge the complicated feelings that result from a loss.
There isn’t only one way to grieve. Just as our relationships with our loved ones are unique, so, too, is our grief. This grief can be transformational. Everything is different because of the loss, and we have entered into a constant state of learning about how to live without our loved one in the world. Questions about how to manage holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, and all those “special” days are addressed, as well as wisdom about how to get through the average day.
Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers
Ohio’s Hospice offers grief and bereavement support through our Pathways of HopeSM Grief Counseling Centers, which provide a variety of services to the communities we serve. Support and education are provided by a team of counselors and social workers, all with significant experience and expertise in assisting grieving children, adolescents and adults. For more information about Pathways of Hope, click here.